Boart Longyear Canada has won the Safe Day Everyday Gold Award for the third year in a row. Jarrett Campbell – Regional Director, Drilling Services, Canada, accepted the award on behalf of Boart Longyear at the annual AME RoundUp Convention EH&S Awards breakfast on Wednesday, January 25. The Safe Day Everyday Gold Award and other industry awards will be presented again at the annual PDAC Convention in early March during the PDAC President’s opening remarks.
Presented by Canada’s mining industry collective of the Association for Mineral Exploration (AME), Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) and Canadian Diamond Drilling Association (CDDA), the award is contingent upon open and honest reporting of an annual survey.
Each year, two companies within the mining industry are recognized for their safety record and leadership. The winning organization attains the highest number of hours worked in Canada without a lost-time injury (LTI) during the preceding year. Competition is strong and includes companies and government geological surveys active in and supporting exploration for metals, coal, diamonds and industrial minerals.
The survey findings provide a snapshot of leading indicators related to the environment, health and safety, and other incidents, with a follow-up report outlining survey results and key findings. Notably, the survey inspires the development of safety workshops and initiatives.