Di-Corp launches the next generation of drill rod

December 7, 2024

by Andy Sayers, Marketing Manager at Di-Corp

Drilling nowadays involves challenges previous generations rarely faced, if ever. From deeper, harder-to-access deposits to operational challenges with automated rod handlers to tighter margins from a more competitive and volatile global mineral exploration market, today’s driller needs efficient solutions to difficult situations.

It’s for these reasons that Di-Corp created the next generation wireline drill rods: S-Maxx™. Specifically designed to meet the needs of today’s modern driller, S-Maxx drill rods’ unique dual start thread and anti-jamming features will help drillers reach greater depths and achieve new limits.

S-Maxx close up box and pin horizontal
S-Maxx’s patented ‘S’-shaped dual start thread gives it a more even load distribution, allowing the S-Maxx to spread stress throughout the entire length of the thread and provide greater durability

Why S-Maxx?

The S-Maxx name comes from two parts: a patented ‘S’ shaped interlocked

profile thread and the ‘maximum’ performance delivered by the rod. The dual start S thread delivers more surface area and contact than previous thread forms, resulting in faster make and breaks and the highest torsional and tensile strength in the market.

The ingenuity of the S-Maxx comes from the S-shaped thread. The S-shaped curvature of the load flank creates a self-locking thread profile resistant to bulging while the large corner radiuses improve fatigue cycling by eliminating areas of high stress concentration, improving the cycle life of the joint.

The dual start thread gives a finer thread pitch allowing for more threads to be engaged without sacrificing make-up speed. This provides a more even load distribution along the length of the thread, improving performance when compared to traditional designs. An additional patented anti-jam feature prevents cross-threading and jamming to ensure quick and easy make up and allows the driller to remain out of harm’s way.

The new S thread and anti-jamming features are machined onto Drillers Edge tubing, undergoing the same manufacturing processes that have given Di-Corp rods a global reputation for durability. The result is a coring rod that delivers max rod life, max joint strength, max depth capacity, and max efficiency.

S-Maxx capped side view
Di-Corp spent years designing, researching, developing, improving, and testing the S-Maxx to ensure it was ready to meet the needs of modern drilling

Take your drilling to the Maxx

‘Today’s driller is dealing with a more competitive and volatile global mineral exploration market’, says Di-Corp’s Manufacturing Technology Manager Chris Van Schaayk. ‘When margins are tight, efficiency is key. With S-Maxx, you gain efficiency by preventing cross-threading – resulting in faster trips back in the hole and getting back to putting core in the box. You gain efficiency from more durable rods, resulting in reduced downtime, and smoother shifts at the rig. Who wants drama at the drill site? By investing slightly more on drilling rods, you gain lower cost per meter drilled throughout the project.’

In independent, third-party lab tests, the S-Maxx proved to be greater than +20% stronger in tension to failure testing and greater than to 35% stronger in torsion to failure testing than the most popular thread forms available in the market today.

A typical representation of how preload stress sits in a single start thread using heat mapping. Stresses within the connection typicallyconcentrate near the final full wrap of the pin thread (shown on the right side of the model).
A typical representation of how preload stress sits in a single start thread using heat mapping. Stresses within the connection typically concentrate near the final full wrap of the pin thread (shown on the right side of the model).
How S-Maxx distributes the preload further down the entire length of the thread, much more readily than a single start thread.
How S-Maxx distributes the preload further down the entire length of the thread, much more readily than a single start thread.

In addition to the benefits provided to standard drilling operations, the S-Maxx is an ideal rod for conditions, such as automated rod handling, deep hole drilling, and directional drilling.

Automated rod handling has become the standard for drilling. S-Maxx is ideal for that as its dual start thread and anti-jamming features prevent cross threading and improve safety as a result. This means your automated rod handler can make the connection right the first time, every time, saving a lot of time and effort for the drilling operation.

In deep hole drilling and demanding conditions, the S-Maxx’s unmatched torsional and tensile strength allow the rod to make deeper depths than existing rods – with a recommended max depth of 4300 m (14 107 ft) when using the N-size lite wall version of the rod, which exceeds the maximum depth rating of any other rod on the market.


When it comes to deep hole drilling, efficiency is king. The greater the depth, the more time becomes a factor when changing out the rod string or dealing with rod failures. Seconds become minutes and minutes become hours the longer the drill string becomes.

S-Maxx’s dual start thread prevents cross-threading, allowing for faster make and breaks with anti-jamming features that virtually eliminate jamming. This helps you assemble, break, and reassemble the rod string faster each time, with a more durable rod that is less likely to need replacing in the first place. Spend less time tripping in and out and more time hitting your target.

For directional drilling, the unique profile of the S-Maxx thread reduces stress risers in the connection, reducing joint fatiguing during deviated drilling. Because there are no sharp corners on the thread, there are fewer pressure points for microcracks to develop. Instead, the pressure is spread throughout all threads of the joint. With each part of the thread sharing the load, the S-Maxx can withstand greater pressure when deviating than can other thread forms.

Drilling has changed – drillers need drill rods that change to meet these challenges. S-Maxx by Di-Corp are next generation drill rods specifically designed for modern drilling challenges.

The S-Maxx wireline coring rod is available in B- and N-sizes in both parallel and lite wall tubing.H-size will be available by the end of 2024.
The S-Maxx wireline coring rod is available in B- and N-sizes in both parallel and lite wall tubing.
H-size will be available by the end of 2024.

Di-Corp is a registered trade name of Diversity Technologies Corp.

For more information visit: di-corp.com  e-mail:info@di-corp.com or call: 1 800 661 2792