The International Driller’s Day was celebrated for the first time on June 3rd in Peru, with the purpose of honoring the irreplaceable role of drillers, as well as the entire team of professionals in the drilling field, as protagonists of the main engine of Peruvian and global economic development that is mining.
The importance of recognizing our drilling professionals is based on the courage, strength and resilience with which they dedicate themselves to this sacrificed but necessary work that positions the Peruvian territory as one of the main mining countries in the world and that contributes, through sustainable mining, not only to the development of different rural communities where they work, but also being the first link in the mining production chain.
Drilling involves technical knowledge, skills and motor ability but also precision and diligence to stay safe during the operation of specialized machinery. Thanks to this activity, it is possible to explore and develop mining worldwide, taking soil samples or drilling rocks with professionalism, following the highest standards of quality and safety.
The celebration of the merit and pride of these professionals has extended its borders, surpassing the barriers of Peru and taking relevance and presence at the international level. However, its beginning goes back to a single place and a single company: Explomin Perforaciones, a company that began operations on June 3rd in the Atacocha mining unit in the department of Pasco, located in central Peru, and whose sustained leadership opened the opportunity to mark a milestone in the history of the industry and the company: International Driller’s Day.
Since today June 3rd, we extend our warm greetings to each of the professionals who are part of this great activity, we greet all the drillers, geologists, engineers, supervisors, assistants, drivers, warehousemen and more, who make mining and drilling one of the most critical activities in the world.
Happy International Driller’s Day!
For more information, please visit: explomin.com